Lucifer and Morning Star

>> Friday, December 12, 2008

IMAG0051, originally uploaded by Terpr13.

These are my cats. I named them Lucifer and Morning Star for several reasons. The first and main reason. If I don't understand something, I surround myself with it. I think about the topic of the fallen angel ALL the time and I try to figure out why or how...or if... I go back and forth on the issue. I will take the side of, if this is real, then is Satan around now, could we spot "him"? Have we ever talked to "him"? If it is all actually false, what will the Catholics say if they were to ever find out? What would the use to motivation if the devil quit the game and went home?

The other reason is losely based on a harry potter quote. "Fear of a name, only increases fear of the thing itself"

For this reason, naming the cats after Lucifer, Satan, the fallen angel, The Morning Star, the first enter to banished to darkness....I did this as I means of not being afraid of the names. If we are not afraid of saying it, then "He" (assuming there is any truth to any of it) would not be able to affect us nearly as much. Interestingly enough, "his" ability to effect us really doesn't have anything to do with his actually existence at all. People are guilted into doing the right. thing because "if you don't, you're gonna burn in hell! And Satan's birds will peck out your eyes everyday for all of eternity!!" Well, alright they don't all say that...but you get my point. What ever happened to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do?



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