Thank you?! Thank NO ONE!

>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I have decided to add "thank you" to my list of meaningless phrases. It bugs me to no end when the end of a phone conversation is near and neither party can figure out how to say "okay, I want to get off the phone now". Instead they something like this: "Alright, thanks for callin", "thank you, have a nice day" or something along those lines.  Thank you is supposed to MEAN something.  It means that someone has done something for which you appreciate and so you are showing you gratitude to them by saying thank you. But anymore it seems like if someone actually DOES what they have been hired to do, that somehow makes them a good employee and so we applaud average.

Please Don't misunderstand me, I still say thank you, but I wont say it unles I MEAN it.  If someone really does work hard at what they do, do more than the avarage worker does, or has a enthusiasim for what they do, then yes absolutely I say thank you.  I simply have a problem with rewarding average.  Its silly and its dangerous for the future.  Afterall, if every one is special, no one is special. 

Ugh! Sorry to bitch...I have simply heard alot of it today and needed to vent it real quick.

On a sidenote, I used ScribeFire to post this, it is VERY cool and super convenvient for blogging.  So, if you use firefox and blog, you will like this program!

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