Change is coming (warning...mushy crap)

>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008

So, Mary, my girlfriend, is moving in to live with me in January... I think it should be cool, but I gotta say, i'm a tad bit nervous about her adjusting to my little quirks that I have developed over the past several years or, in some cases, had for as long as I can remember. For example, I enjoy sleeping on the floor. I don't know why I started doing so, but I have slept on the floor or on the couch FAR more than I have slept anywhere else. In fact I have only actually slept on my bed a total of 20 or 30 times in the two years I have owned it. Another one is how random I can be when on my own. I have woken up at 3am before and decided to go on to the store just to walk around or in the middle of some task and dropped everything I got distracted and went off to do something else. SO, it will be interesting to see what life is like a year from now.

 I do however think that this move will be a good one. She is not only my best friend of several years now, but she is also a tolerant girlfriend...meaning she is good at just taking my non-sense and just saying "well alright" and moving on. She really is very cool and I look forward to a future with her right there beside me.

(I sent this via email...not as cool as ScribeFire....but a nice option when traveling)



Mary December 10, 2008 at 9:15 PM  

:-) I like mushy crap!


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